We are grateful for the donations and grants from our major supporters and for the generosity of others. Every donation is appreciated and helpful. Auckland Youth Orchestra Incorporated is a registered charity, CC45382, and is an IRD-registered Donee Organisation for tax credits on donations.
Ways to Support AYO
Subscribers pay an annual subscription of $25 as a donation towards our ongoing work and their names are listed in our printed concert programmes.
Subscribers automatically become Members of the incorporated society and, as such, are entitled to attend General Meetings and vote.
Click here to register as a Subscriber. Your donation can be made directly to AYO's bank account (we will send a receipt to the email address given in the registration) or via our Givealittle page (receipt issued immediately by Givealittle).
Bank Account Name: Auckland Youth Orchestra Incorporated
Bank Account Number: 12-3030-0505986-00
Supporters donate a minimum of $75 and, to show our appreciation for their support:
- their names are listed in the printed programmes (unless anonymity is requested); and
- some of the best seats are cordoned off exclusively for them at the free Auckland Town Hall concerts.
General Supporter - $75+
Special Supporter - $500+
Golden Supporter - $5,000+
Click here to register as a Supporter. Your donation can be made directly to AYO's bank account (we will send a receipt to the email address given in the registration) or via our Givealittle page (receipt issued immediately by Givealittle). For larger donations, direct credit to our bank account is preferred, as Givelittle charges 5% commission on donations.
Bank Account Name: Auckland Youth Orchestra Incorporated
Bank Account Number: 12-3030-0505986-00
For those who prefer to simply make a one-off donation towards our ongoing work, there are two easy ways to do that:
- Direct to our bank account - Please include your name in a reference field and email the Treasurer to request a tax receipt if required.
Bank Account Name: Auckland Youth Orchestra Incorporated
Bank Account Number: 12-3030-0505986-00 ; or - Our convenient Givealittle page, which accepts payment by credit card or internet banking and emails you a tax receipt immediately. (Note: 5% of your donation is deducted by Givealittle as their service fee before it is forwarded to us per their standard Terms & Conditions.)
You will receive a receipt, but you won't find yourself added to our newsletter distribution list - although of course we would be very glad to have you sign up to receive them if you wish!
Sign up for Kora fuel cards and a few cents per litre will be donated to AYO every time you fill up at either a Mobil or Waitomo station. Kora offers cardholders a discount of 10c/litre and you can have some (or all!) of that saving donated to AYO automatically!
Read all about it here.
Remembering AYO in your Will
Leaving a bequest to AYO through a gift in your will is one way to leave your mark and will help us continue to provide young people with the opportunity to develop excellent orchestral playing skills. We greatly value the support of all those who contribute to this vision.
What is a bequest?
A bequest is a statement in your will instructing your executor to give a specific sum of money, item of property, or percentage of your estate, to a particular person or organisation, such as Auckland Youth Orchestra Inc.
How do I make a bequest?
To make a bequest you need a will. If you already have a will you can make a simple change to it by executing a codicil. Click here to download a codicil form. A bequest that is not in your will or codicil is unlikely to be valid. Any will or codicil needs to be signed and witnessed properly.
You are free to place conditions on any bequest. However, since we are unlikely to receive your bequest until far into the future, it is most helpful if its terms are as general as possible so that it can be applied to the greatest need at the time.
What do I do now?
If you don't have a will, contact a legal advisor and have a will drawn up - ask them to include a bequest to Auckland Youth Orchestra Incorporated.
If you already have a will and would like to update it with a bequest to AYO: Download a codicil form.
Get in touch
We would be delighted to hear if you have decided to include a bequest to AYO in your will so that we can thank you personally for your generosity.
For more information or to inform us of your gift, please email us at or write to Auckland Youth Orchestra Inc., PO Box 99830, Newmarket, Auckland 1149.
Other great ways to support AYO
Support us by attending our concerts - it is thrilling for our players to present their concerts to a full hall.
Sign up to receive our newsletters - know about our concerts in advance. Click here to sign up.
Sponsor us - our costs are significant. Support in the following particular areas is sought:
- dry, secure storage space for our equipment and some instruments
- coach and truck hire several weekends each year
- regional and local newspaper advertising
- promotion of concerts
- printing & photocopying
Thanks to Franco Viganoni who generously gives his time and professional expertise in digitally recording our concerts, using state-of-the-art electronics and a unique system of Schoeps microphones. The resulting recordings are free from any electronic manipulations and effects. For further information, please visit .
We are grateful for donations, grants and support received from the following organisations: