Support Us


We are grateful for the donations and grants from our major supporters and for the generosity of others. Every donation is appreciated and helpful.  Auckland Youth Orchestra Incorporated is a registered charity, CC45382, and is an IRD-registered Donee Organisation for tax credits on donations.

Ways to Support AYO

Other great ways to support AYO

Support us by attending our concerts - it is thrilling for our players to present their concerts to a full hall.
Sign up to receive our newsletters - know about our concerts in advance. Click here to sign up.
Sponsor us - our costs are significant.  Support in the following particular areas is sought:

  • dry, secure storage space for our equipment and some instruments
  • coach and truck hire several weekends each year
  • regional and local newspaper advertising
  • promotion of concerts
  • printing & photocopying

Thanks to Franco Viganoni who generously gives his time and professional expertise in digitally recording our concerts, using state-of-the-art electronics and a unique system of Schoeps microphones. The resulting recordings are free from any electronic manipulations and effects.  For further information, please visit .

We are grateful for donations, grants and support received from the following organisations: