

Lodge of the Liberal Arts: Howard Wyatt Memorial Scholarship
The Freemasons of Lodge No.500 have established a trust for charitable purposes, to assist young musicians in their education. Scholarships totalling $3,000 are granted each year to members of AYO who have shown outstanding musicianship and/or overall contribution to the orchestra - playing and otherwise.  Each year the Executive Committee invites players to apply for this scholarship, from which recommendations are made to the Lodge of the Liberal Arts for their final decision regarding the recipient(s).

Chip and Muriel Stevens Award
This $1,500 award is dedicated to the memory of a former Chairman of AYO, N.W. (Chip) Stevens, who spent his lifetime encouraging young people to love music and young musicians to reach their full potential. The winner of this scholarship will be announced at the final concert each year. It is awarded to the player(s) who make the greatest overall contribution to the orchestra during the year, by showing their love of music and sharing it with others.  Players do not apply for this award - it is made at the discretion of the Executive Committee.