75th Anniversary – 2023

Join us in celebrating the 75th anniversary of AYO (formerly AJSO) - this Labour Weekend, 20-21 October 2023.

Looking for Town Hall concert tickets? - Moshtix says "Allocation Exhausted"?
If you are an alumnus of AYO, register below to receive an Offer Code to apply on the Moshtix booking site.

If you are unable to attend any of the celebrations, we would be delighted to receive a message from you to include in our collection of AYO Memories - just send an email to 75@ayo.org.nz with your greetings, memories, photos etc.  

Thanks to Chloe Litchfield for the wonderful '75' image above which she created especially for this event - spot all four Music Directors in AYO's history!

'Celebration 75' Programme:

Friday 20 October - Venue: Auckland Town Hall

Booking with Town Hall agent Moshtix is essential - no ticket, no entry.  Register below to receive the booking link and Offer Code for priority booking.  Our free concerts are usually fully booked, so we strongly recommend you get you booking made early.

          6.30pm   Pre-Concert Event, Town Hall Balcony Bar: ($40 + cash bar) - incl. nibbles & Souvenir Programme
              8pm     Free Concert - Beethoven 9th Symphony

Saturday 21 October – Venue: C3 Church, 20 Cawley St, Ellerslie

         From 10am       Morning Tea - social Meet & Greet
         11am-1pm         Big Play In - Cesar Franck Symphony No.1, conducted by Michael McLellan
        1pm-2.30pm     Lunch (finger food platters)
        3pm-3.50pm     Franck Performance
        3.50pm-4pm     Speeches/Formalities
          4pm-6pm        “Last Chance” Refreshments

Donations to help us continue the work of AYO can be made to 12-3030-0505986-00 or via our givealittle page.  A tax receipt will be issued for all donations.

All communications re Celebration 75 can be emailed to 75@ayo.org.nz


Message from Auckland's Deputy Mayor Desley Simpson